
At Dublin FBC, we seek to be authentic and focused on Christ in our worship. 

We recognize worship as an attitude of everyday life, not just a part of our Sunday morning services.  

Our worship is blended with a mix of Southern Gospel, traditional Hymns and modern worship songs. 

We have a worship team that leads our congregational in worship Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights and on Sunday nights we love to use the old fashion Hymn books with just piano and organ. 

Our praise team meets Wednesday evenings at 8:10 pm for rehearsal. 

The Dublin FBC Choir meets at 7:10 pm - 8:10 pm on Sunday nights for rehearsal. 

If you sing or play an instrument, we would love to have you join us!

Come be a part of the worship ministries of Dublin FBC!

Contact: Adam Harman for more info
